How Working Out Less Helped Me Achieve Better Health

How Working Out Less Helped Me Achieve Better Health

Hey ladies, how are you feeling? Do you ever reminisce about your younger years when you had endless energy? I know I do! Back in my twenties, I loved lifting weights, ran all the time even though I hated running, and climbing mountains was a fun weekend activity. I...


Welcome! Welcome to my blog! I’m a women’s holistic wellness coach passionate about helping other women achieve their health goals. I embarked on this journey when I was struggling with my own health. It all started because I was feeling frustrated by the...
Living a Full Life

Living a Full Life

Life is a great big canvas and you should throw all the paint on it you can  – Danny Kaye I love this quote. It is exuberant! Throwing paint at a canvas reminds me that I don’t have to be perfect and that life can be messy and beautiful but...
Stop Accepting Mediocrity

Stop Accepting Mediocrity

Just because something has always been doesn’t mean it will always be. It’s time we stop accepting mediocrity! Hello, beautiful ladies! Are you tired of feeling like you’re just going through the motions in life? Are you settling for mediocre health...